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I’m still alive

Just thought I’d drop in, say “hi”, and show that all is well and good in my world.  I miss all of you, and I’m kinda sad that I won’t be at UWM this fall.  I had lots of good times, and I thank everyone for them, because I wouldn’t have had them without you!

Kyle hijacked my computer for a while, and starting Monday I’ll be using the remaining amount of AppleCare I have to make it work well until I can upgrade to another Apple or opt out and go back to a PC.  Depends on the job I have when I have the money :D.  But I will actually start blogging on my blog, because I need something to do in my down time between shifts at work.  So I’ll be around somewhere lol.



Non-Linear Story Site

This was for class… first website by myself (layout with Chad’s help).  Don’t be too harsh please.


my mini portfolio

here is a link to my mini online portfolio… let me know what you think!


Is it wrong to ask?

I am 22 and in a great, loving, and functional relationship.  I understand that I am not ready to move out (though planning and figuring out how, when and where), I need a better job, I need to finish school, and be more stable before I think about marriage.

But why is it wrong to talk about marrying my boyfriend?  My mother doesn’t want me to talk about it.  She wants me to keep my options open.  She thinks my boyfriend is a great guy and he cares about our family a lot, and she has no major problems with him.  But when we joke about it, she gets quiet.  Facebook had a quiz that dealt with “what date will you get married” Read the rest of this entry »


Mighty Paul and the wet floor

For some reason there was a puddle of, at the time, unknown liquid on the floor of the Union, just outside the bookstore and just beyond our table.  After careful consideration we determine that the liquid is a spilled Mountain Dew. A couple people walk by, slip, and one fortunate girl was able to fall into the table and catch herself before landing on her cute little ass. Paul, being the awesome, Read the rest of this entry »


Liz is pregnant…. Or NOT!

I go to church every Sunday where my mother works at the Rectory as secretary and where my father, until his last day (today), was Parish Council President.  My family is pretty well known, since I went to grade school there along with my other three sisters, two of which are still there. So my family is pretty well known.  I have no problem with people coming up to me calling me Jodi/Ken’s daughter, or a Bowers girl.  I’m used to looking my best and behaving for that’s Read the rest of this entry »


Interesting Prosthetics : The Pack and Pee

For graphic design my class was supposed to look up information and ideas for prosthetics and orthotics. Well, my teacher mentioned that she knows someone who had to make prosthetic penis for a movie, and how she saw an image of the lady’s basement with fake penises spread all over.

So I did some fake penis looking to see if I would be able to find the artist that she was talking about.  (No I was not dildo shopping or looking for enhancements for my boyfriend.) I thought it would be an interesting search and might actually give me another angle for my research…. didn’t think I would find this.

Check out the Pack and Pee

It is interesting to see that they have something like that.  I had the initial giggle, but then thought about the practicality of it.

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FUSE Wednesday in Union Concourse

Just letting you all know, this Wednesday April 29, 2009, the Graphic Design2 students are hosting a store (FUSE) that will sell all the products that they have made throughout this semester.  Buy something for your mom for Mother’s Day, get birthday gifts, or even something for your own personal use.  Please stop by and purchase items, or just stop by and take a look!



Promote thyself….?

I’m a Graphic Design student and graduating in about a year or so.  I am pretty good at what I do.  The problem that I have is I am a modest person.  Every time I talk with other designers they tell me the best thing that I can do is promote myself or “sell myself”.  I find this really hard to do.

I do not like bragging and I never really had a huge ego.  Yes I am proud of my work and what I do, but I really can not express that and tell people why they should look at me.  It makes me feel uncomfortable.  I’ve thought about making a website but just haven’t had the time to work on it.  I have  facebook, and myspace, and a flickr account and on each of these sites I have examples of my work.

I guess what I am asking is how do I over come this feeling and get my work out there?  Any suggestions would be great!

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