Beer Recommendation: Samuel Smith’s Winter Welcome Ale

Samuel Smith's Winter Welcome Ale

Samuel Smith's Winter Welcome Ale

A very welcoming winter ale.

The color and head in the Pilsner glass on the label is accurate.  Only I drank it in a straight pint glass.  It pours medium brown from the bottle with a thick white head of medium foam that dissipates quickly, leaving a ton of lacing that clings to the sides of glass.

The aroma is of pleasant fruit and noble English hops.  The first sip is of medium-bodied fruity brew.  The mid-taste is of sweet caramel malt and good, crisp hops, without breaking the inviting fruit flavor.  The rear taste continues the warm caramel malt flavors, topping it off with a cool, crisp hop icing.  The aftertaste is of sweet caramel malt, light cereal grain, with a white grape essence and a balanced hop bite.

This is a very warm, inviting, welcoming  and highly drinkable ale that pairs well with pleasant company, a funny story, or a roaring fire.  It’s perfect for the holiday season and the taste conjures images of cottages in winter.  The large size bottle makes it perfect for sharing and the modest alcohol content makes it okay to enjoy by yourself over a winter’s evening.

I highly recommend this beer to anyone struggling against the long, cold winters, wherever they may be.

  1. #1 by VisualHierarchy on January 14, 2010 - 11:53 AM

    I find the label of this beer very interesting as well. I can tell that the company is excited about this drink by all the information packed into the label. Many graphic designers would consider it WAY too cluttered and a design nightmare, but I like it quite a bit!

    • #2 by Joshua on January 14, 2010 - 1:09 PM

      All of Samuel Smith’s beers have this kind of label. They mix the Old-World looking stuff with the modern colors and exciting graphics.

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